Another 'unique to horses' physical aspect of their eyes is how they focus from near to far
and light to dark. This is directly related to and adjusted by the lowering or raising of their head position rather than within the element of the eyes alone.
Restricting a horses' freedom to do this within our equine endeavours with them creates dangerous situations where horses are intermittently blind when sight is critical.
Riders / handlers have the responsibility to understand horses' physical abilities and to work within them. Ignorance of Equine Physiology is the cause of many issues.
It has been taught for many years that horses only see in grey tones also, then in more recent years that they can see colour but not really red tones, however this is not correct. Horses are able to see colours very easily as we can.
Horses eyes also turn very dark when a horse is angry, near black. I have witnessed many accidents when riders have ignored this and ridden horses while their eyes are dark without regard.
If you notice a horses eyes have turned dark you should soothe this horse. Remove them from the situation that may be causing this anger and bring the horse back into a space where they are safe, able to feel care and gentleness and love. If you are unable to do this, for example you're exercising a horse for someone else, you should do everything in your power to soothe this horse before, during and after your ride.
Pats, quiet reassurance and encouragement, only soothing voice tones are the critical things that will keep you from being the enemy on a horse that is angry.