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Let's start with the eyes.  Understanding your horses eyes and how to read them is critical to your safety around these large powerful animals because they let you know what frame of mind your horse is in.  Horse's eyes are unique and changeable.

When a horse is happy their eyes develop a light milky blue ring around the rim of the entire eyeball just before you get into the white of the eye.  This is clearly visible when present, as seen below and handlers and riders should be watching for this when on the ground,

especially before riding. 



You should be looking for this line in your horses eye and if it is not there you need to stop what you are doing and comfort your horse.  Give them some quiet re-assurance, a cuddle, a pat, a good boy or girl, a treat! ...and watch the line appear immediately ;)

This is a great exercise to do or to teach your children to do.  To approach their horse and try to get this line to appear if it's not already there.  

Kindness and love, gentleness and re-assurance, lot's of 'good boys' or 'good girls' create safe horses to handle and ride and is the single greatest tool in a rider's arsenal to remain safe around horses.  I do not say this lightly.  I have ridden and handled horses that have previously killed people, were put in the too hard basket by leading trainers.  Horses that bucked everyone off etc...

Method failed on these beautiful horses.  The single greatest tool for stopping this behaviour was not a whip, a spur, conditioning, a hard command, force, a drug.  It was quietness, kindness, gentleness, encouragement, treats, lots of pats.  I have "re-educated" hundreds of so called too hard horses successfully who have gone on to be able to be ridden and handled safely even by young children.

One of the first things I do when approaching a horse is observe their eyes and look for this line.  There are times this observation may save your life.  Your horse may be in a mood one day, for reasons unapparent to you.  You could get on and they could buck you off.  They are emotional living breathing animals, not programmed machines.  Learn to build strong relationships of trust and kindness and your horse will be happy to work with you.




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